The CIF and its members are bound by the organisation’s Code of Conduct, which includes the following:
The CIF and its members are to render a service of fair and acceptable standard.
The CIF and its members are to strictly adhere to all Namibian legislation.
The CIF and its members will endeavour to possess the applicable technical qualifications, knowledge and practical experience to ensure that all construction projects are carried out in a workmanlike and economical manner.
The CIF and its members will endeavour to satisfy their contractual obligations and business transactions fairly and with honour.
The CIF and its members will endeavour to organise their business administration effectively and to maintain adequate financial resources for the proper discharge of all contractual obligations.
The CIF and its members will endeavour not to promote itself / themselves through misleading tenders and / or for advertising.
The CIF and its members shall not maliciously or recklessly injure another body or member.
The CIF and its members shall not attempt to supplant another body or member on a particular project after definite steps have been taken towards the latter's employment.
The CIF and its members should ensure by the clear display of appropriate symbols that adheres to the Code of Conduct.
The CIF and its members shall not entice a potential employee, whether directly of indirectly, without proper notice and advertisement.
The CIF and its members shall implement the investigation mechanisms when the Code has been contravened or where there has been improper conduct.
The CIF and its members shall take disciplinary steps when the Code of Conduct has been contravened or where there has been improper conduct.