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The Construction Industries Federation of Namibia


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Contact the CIF

CIF - Construction Industries Federation of Namibia
Corner Stein/Schwabe Str. Klein Windhoek
P. O. Box 1479, Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: +264 (0) 61 - 417 300 (Switchboard)
Tel: +264 (0) 61 - 417 302 (Direct Extension)
Fax: +264 (0) 61 - 224534

Office Hours: Mon to Fri 07:30 – 13:00

Enquiry Form

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  News & Events
  • CIF Press Releases
  • Namibia Consumer Price Index
  • Namibia Statistics Agency
  • CIF Training- Brochures
  • Public Procurement
  • Leave Pay Regulations
  • Pension Fund
  • Member Application Forms
  • Tender Information
  • CIF Construction Conference 14 & 15 November 2019
  • CIF Newsletters
  • CIF Constitution 2015
  • CIty of Windhoek - Memorandum of Agreements
  • FNB Housing Index
  Service & Support
  • Services offered to Members
  • Support the SME Members
  • Student, Internships & CV Submissions
  • Vacancies & CV Submissions
  Training & Development
  • Courses
  Become a Member
  • Types of Membership & Fees
  • Application Form
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